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List view record 1: 12 months to live [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 1: 12 months to live [text(large print)]
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List view record 2: Alibi [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 2: Alibi [text(large print)]
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Alibi [text(large print)]

La Plante, Lynda2024
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Identical and brutal assaults on three women. One woman survives to give a detailed description of her attacker. The police arrest a suspect, Damon Morton, confident he is their man. But three of his employees admit to the crimes, and Morton's wife and girlfriend each provide him with an alibi. T...
List view record 3: All change at the Beach Hotel [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 3: All change at the Beach Hotel [text(large print)]
List view record 4: Amazing Grace [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 4: Amazing Grace [text(large print)]
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Amazing Grace [text(large print)]

Nash, Kim2024
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Grace thought she had it all. Living in the beautiful village of Little Ollington, along with head teacher husband Mark and gorgeous ten-year-old son, Archie, she devoted herself to being the perfect mom and the perfect wife, her little family giving her everything she ever wanted. Until that fat...
List view record 5: The apothecary's daughter [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 5: The apothecary's daughter [text(large print)]
List view record 6: An aura of mystery [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 6: An aura of mystery [text(large print)]
Thumbnail for An aura of mystery [text(large print)]
List view record 7: Bad guy - rough justice! [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 7: Bad guy - rough justice! [text(large print)]
List view record 8: Beautiful innocence [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 8: Beautiful innocence [text(large print)]
Thumbnail for Beautiful innocence [text(large print)]
List view record 9: The Bletchley Park girls [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 9: The Bletchley Park girls [text(large print)]
Thumbnail for The Bletchley Park girls [text(large print)]
List view record 10: Bring me sunshine [text(large print)]List view anchor tag for record 10: Bring me sunshine [text(large print)]
Thumbnail for Bring me sunshine [text(large print)]